1.3 Inertia and Relativity (Reflections on Relativity)
Posted by Unknown on 5:26 PM with No comments
These or none must serve for
reasons, and it is my great happiness that examples prove not rules, for to
confirm this opinion, the world yields not one example.
In his treatise "On
the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres" Copernicus argued for the conceivability
of a moving Earth by noting that
...every apparent change in
place occurs on account of the movement either of the thing seen or of the
spectator, or on account of the necessarily unequal movement of both. No
movement is perceptible relatively to things moved equally in the same
direction - I mean relatively to the thing seen and the spectator.
This is a purely
kinematical conception of relativity, like that of Aristarchus, based on the idea
that we judge the positions (and changes in position) of objects only in
relation to the positions of other objects. Many of Copernicus’s
contemporaries rejected the idea of a moving Earth, because we do not
directly “sense” any such motion. To answer this objection, Galileo developed
the concept of inertia, which he illustrated by a “thought experiment”
involving the behavior of objects inside a ship which is moving at some
constant speed in a straight line. He pointed out that
... among things which all
share equally in any motion, [that motion] does not act, and is as if it did
not exist... in throwing something to your friend, you need throw it no more
strongly in one direction than in another, the distances being equal...
jumping with your feet together, you pass equal spaces in every direction...
Thus Galileo's approach was
based on a dynamical rather than a merely kinematic analysis, because he
refers to forces acting on bodies, asserting that the dynamic behavior of
bodies is homogeneous and isotropic in terms of (suitably defined) measures
in any uniform state of motion. This soon led to the modern principle of
inertial relativity, although Galileo himself seems never to have fully
grasped the distinction between accelerated and unaccelerated motion. He
believed, for example, that circular motion was a natural state that would
persist unless acted upon by some external agent. This shows that the
resolution of dynamical behavior into inertial and non-inertial components - which
we generally take for granted today - is more subtle than it may appear. As Newton
...the whole burden of
philosophy seems to consist in this: from the phenomena of motions to infer
the forces of nature, and then from these forces to deduce other phenomena...
Newton’s doctrine implicitly assumes that forces can be
inferred from the motions of objects, but establishing the correspondence
between forces and motions is not trivial, because the doctrine is, in a
sense, circular. We infer “the forces of nature” from observed motions, and
then we account for observed motions in terms of those forces. This assumes
we can distinguish between forced and unforced motion, but there is no a
priori way of making such a distinction. For example, the roughly circular motion of the Moon around the
Earth might suggest the existence of a force (universal gravitation) acting
between these two bodies, but it could also be taken as an indication that
circular motion is a natural form of unforced motion, as Galileo believed. Different
definitions of unforced motion lead to different sets of implied “forces of
nature”. The task is to choose a definition of unforced motion that leads to
the identification of a set of physical forces that gives the most
intelligible decomposition of phenomena. By indirect reasoning, the natural philosophers of the seventeenth century
eventually arrived at the idea that, in the complete absence of external forces,
an object would move uniformly in a straight line, and that,
therefore, whenever we observe an object whose speed or direction of motion
is changing, we can infer that an external force – proportional to the rate
of change of motion – is acting upon that object. This is the principle of
inertia, the most successful principle ever proposed for organizing our
knowledge of the natural world. Notice that it refers to how a free object
“would” move, because no object is completely free from all external forces. Thus
the conditions of this fundamental principle, as stated, are never actually
met, which highlights the subtlety of Newton’s doctrine, and the aptness of his assertion that
it comprises “the whole burden of philosophy”. Also, notice that the
principle of inertia does not discriminate between different states of uniform
motion in straight lines, so it automatically entails a principle of
relativity of dynamics, and in fact the two are essentially synonymous.
The first explicit
statement of the modern principle of inertial relativity was apparently made
by Pierre Gassendi, who is most often remembered today for reviving the
ancient Greek doctrine of atomism. In the 1630's Gassendi repeated many of
Galileo's experiments with motion, and interpreted them from a more abstract
point of view, consciously separating out gravity as an external influence,
and recognizing that the remaining "natural states of motions" were
characterized not only by uniform speeds (as Galileo had said) but also by
rectilinear paths. In order to conceive of inertial motion, it is necessary
to review the whole range of observable motions of material objects and
imagine those motions if the effects of all known external influences were
removed. From this resulting set of ideal states of motion, it is necessary
to identify the largest possible "equivalence class" of relatively
uniform and rectilinear motions. These motions and configurations then
constitute the basis for inertial measurements of space and time, i.e.,
inertial coordinate systems. Naturally inertial motions will then necessarily
be uniform and rectilinear with respect to these coordinate systems, by
Shortly thereafter (1644),
Descartes presented the concept of inertial motion in his "Principles of
Each thing...continues always
in the same state, and that which is once moved always continues to
move...and never changes unless caused by an external agent... all motion is
of itself in a straight line...every part of a body, left to itself,
continues to move, never in a curved line, but only along a straight line.
Similarly, in Huygens'
"The Motion of Colliding Bodies" (composed in the mid 1650's but
not published until 1703), the first hypothesis was that
Any body already in motion will
continue to move perpetually with the same speed in a straight line unless it
is impeded.
Ultimately Newton
incorporated this principle into his masterpiece, "Philosophiae
Naturalis Principia Mathematica" (The Mathematical Principles of Natural
Philosophy), as the first of his three “laws of motion"
1) Every body continues in its
state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is
compelled to change that
state by the forces impressed upon it.
2) The change of motion is
proportional to the motive force impressed, and is made in the direction
of the right line in which
that force is impressed.
3) To every action there is
always opposed an equal and opposite reaction; or, the mutual actions
of two bodies upon each
other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.
These “laws” expresses the classical
mechanical principle of relativity, asserting equivalence between the
conditions of "rest" and "uniform motion in a right
line". Since no distinction is made between the various possible directions
of uniform motion, the principle also implies the equivalence of uniform
motion in all directions in space. Thus, if everything in the universe is a
"body" in the sense of this law, and if we stipulate rules of force
(such as Newton's second and third laws) that likewise do not distinguish
between bodies at rest and bodies in uniform motion, then we arrive at a
complete system of dynamics in which, as Newton said, "absolute rest
cannot be determined from the positions of bodies in our regions". Corollary
5 of the Newton’s Principia states
The motions of bodies included in
a given space are the same among themselves, whether that space is at rest or
moves uniformly forwards in a straight line without circular motion.
Of course, this presupposes
that the words "uniformly" and "straight" have
unambiguous meanings. Our concepts of uniform speed and straight paths are
ultimately derived from observations of inertial motions, so the “laws
of motion” are to some extent circular. These laws were historically expressed
in terms of inertial coordinate systems, which in turn are defined by the
laws of motion. In other words, we define an inertial coordinate system as a
system of space and time coordinates in terms of which inertia is homogeneous
and isotropic, and then we announce the “laws of motion”, which assert that
inertia is homogeneous and isotropic with respect to inertial coordinate
systems. Thus the “laws of motion” are true by definition. Their significance
lies not in their truth, which is trivial, but in their applicability. The
empirical fact that there exist systems of inertial coordinates is what makes
the concept significant. We have no a priori reason to expect that
such coordinate systems exist, i.e., that the forces of nature would resolve
themselves so coherently on this (or any other finite) basis, but they
evidently do. In fact, it appears that not just one such coordinate system
exists (which would be remarkable enough), but that infinitely many of them
exist, in all possible states of relative motion. To be precise, the
principle of relativity asserts that for any material particle in any state
of motion there exists an inertial coordinate system in terms of which the
particle is (at least momentarily) at rest.
It’s important to recognize
that Newton’s first law, by itself, is not sufficient to
identify the systems of coordinates in terms of which all three laws of
motion are satisfied. The first law serves to determine the shape of the
coordinate axes and inertial paths, but it does not fully define a system of
inertial coordinates, because the first law is satisfied in infinitely many
systems of coordinates that are not inertial. The system of oblique xt
coordinates illustrated below is an example of such a system.
The two dashed lines
indicate the paths of two identical objects, both initially at rest with
respect to these coordinates and propelled outward from the origin by
impulses forces of equal magnitude (acting against each other). Every object
not subject to external forces moves with uniform speed in a straight line
with respect to this coordinate system, so Newton's First Law of motion
is satisfied, but the second law clearly is not, because the speeds imparted
to these identical objects by equal forces are not equal. In other words,
inertia is not isotropic with respect to these coordinates. In order for
Newton's Second Law to be satisfied, we not only need the coordinate axes to
be straight and uniformly graduated relative to freely moving objects, we
need the space axes to be aligned in time such that mechanical inertia is the
same in all spatial directions (so that, for example, the objects whose paths
are represented by the two dashed lines in the above figure have the same
speeds). This effectively establishes the planes of simultaneity of inertial
coordinate systems. In an operational sense, Newton's Third Law is also
involved in establishing the planes of simultaneity for an inertial
coordinate system, because it is only by means of the Third Law that we can
actually define "equal forces" as the forces necessary to impart
equal "quantities of motion" (to use Newton’s phrase). Of course,
this doesn't imply that inertial coordinate systems are the "true"
systems of reference. They are simply the most intuitive, convenient, and
readily accessible systems, based on the inertial behavior of material
In addition to contributing
to the definition of an inertial coordinate system, the third law also serves
to establish a fundamental aspect of the relationships between
relatively moving inertial coordinate systems. Specifically, the third law implies
(requires) that if the spatial origin of one inertial coordinate system is
moving at velocity v with respect to a second inertial coordinate system,
then the spatial origin of the second system is moving at velocity -v with respect to the first. This property is sometimes called
reciprocity, and is important for the various derivations of the Lorentz
transformation to be presented in subsequent sections.
Based on the definition of
an inertial coordinate system, and the isotropy of inertia with respect to such
coordinates, it follows that two identical objects, initially at rest with
respect to those coordinates and exerting a mutual force on each other,
recoil by equal distances in equal times (in accord with Newton’s third law).
Assuming the lengths of stable material objects are independent of their
spatial positions and orientations (spatial homogeneity and isotropy), it
follows that we can synchronize distant clocks with identical particles
ejected with equal forces from the mid-point between the clocks. Of course,
this operational definition of simultaneity is not new. It is precisely what
Galileo described in his illustration of inertial motion onboard a moving
ship. When he wrote that an object thrown with equal force will reach equal
distances [in the same time], he was implicitly defining simultaneity at
separate locations on the basis of inertial isotropy. This is crucial to
understanding the significance of inertial coordinate systems. The
requirement for a particular object to be at rest with respect to the system
suffices only to determine the direction of the "time axis", i.e.,
the loci of constant spatial position. Galileo and his successors realized
(although they did not always explicitly state) that it is also necessary to
specify the loci of constant temporal position, and this is achieved by
choosing coordinates in such a way that mechanical inertia is isotropic.
(This means the inertia of an object does not depend on any absolute
reference direction in space, although it may depend on the velocity of the
object. It is sufficient to say the resistance to acceleration of a resting
object is the same in all spatial directions.)
Conceptually, to establish
a complete system of space and time coordinates based on inertial isotropy,
imagine that at each point in space there is an identically constructed
cannon, and all these cannons are at rest with respect to each other. At one
particular point, which we designate as the origin of our coordinates, is a
clock and numerous identical cannons, each pointed at one of the other
cannons out in space. The cannons are fired from the origin, and when a
cannonball passes one of the external cannons it triggers that external
cannon to fire a reply back to the origin. Each cannonball has identifying
marks so we can correlate each reply with the shot that triggered it, and
with the identity of the replying cannon. The ith reply event is assigned the
time coordinate ti = [treturn(i) - tsend(i)]/2
seconds, and it is assigned space coordinates xi, yi, zi
based on the angular direction of the sending cannon and the radial distance
ri = ti cannon-seconds. This procedure would have been
perfectly intelligible to Newton, and he would have agreed that it yields an
inertial coordinate system, suitable for the application of his three laws of
Naturally given one such
system of coordinates, we can construct infinitely many others by simple
spatial re-orientation of the space axes and/or translation of the spatial or
temporal axes. All such transformations leave the speed of every object
unchanged. An equivalence class of all such inertial coordinate systems is
called an inertial reference frame. For characterizing the mutual
dynamical states of two material bodies, the associated inertial rest frames of
the bodies are more meaningful than the mere distance between the bodies,
because any inertial coordinate system possesses a fixed spatial orientation
with respect to any other inertial coordinate system, enabling us to take
account of tangential motion between bodies whose mutual distance is not
changing. For this reason, the physically meaningful "relative velocity
of two material bodies" is best defined as their reciprocal states of
motion with respect to each others' associated inertial rest frame coordinates.
The principle of relativity
does not tell us how two relatively moving systems of inertial coordinates
are related to each other, but it does imply that this relationship can be
determined empirically. We need only construct two relatively moving systems
of inertial coordinates and compare them. Based on observations of coordinate
systems with relatively low mutual speeds, and with the limited precision
available at the time, Galileo and Newton surmised that if (x,t) is an inertial coordinate
system then so is (x’,t’), where
and v is the mutual speed
between the origins of the two systems. This implies that relative speeds are
simply additive. In other words, if a material object B is moving at the
speed v in terms of inertial rest frame coordinates of A, and if an object C
is moving in the same direction at the speed u in terms of inertial rest
frame coordinates of B, then C is moving at the speed v + u in terms of
inertial rest frame coordinates of A. This conclusion may seem plausible, but
it's important to realize that we are not free to arbitrarily adopt this or
any other transformation and speed composition rule for the set of inertial
coordinate systems, because those systems are already fully defined (up to
insignificant scale factors) by the requirements for inertia to be
homogeneous and isotropic and for momentum to be conserved. These properties
suffice to determine the set of inertial coordinate systems and (therefore)
the relationships between them. Given these conditions, the relationship
between relatively moving inertial coordinate systems, whatever it may be, is
a matter of empirical fact.
Of course, inertial
isotropy is not the only possible basis for constructing spacetime coordinate
systems. We could impose a different constraint to determine the loci of constant
temporal position, such as a total temporal ordering of events. However, if
we do this, we will find that mechanical inertia is generally not isotropic
in terms of the resulting coordinate systems, so the usual symmetrical laws
of mechanics will not be valid in terms of those coordinate systems (at least
not if restricted to ponderable matter). Indeed this was the case for the
ether theories developed in the late 19th century, as discussed in subsequent
sections. Such coordinate systems, while extremely awkward, would not be
logically inconsistent. The choices we make to specify a coordinate system
and to resolve spacetime intervals into separate spatial and temporal
components are to some extent conventional, provided we are willing to
disregard the manifest symmetry of physical phenomena. But since physics
consists of identifying and understanding the symmetries of nature, the
option of disregarding those symmetries does not appeal to most physicists.
By the end of the
nineteenth century a new class of phenomena involving electric and magnetic
fields had been incorporated into physics, and the concept of inertia was
found to be applicable to these phenomena as well. For example, Maxwell’s
equations imply that a pulse of light conveys momentum. Hence the principle
of inertia ought to apply to electromagnetism as well as to the motions of
material bodies. In his 1905 paper “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” Einstein
adopted this more comprehensive interpretation of inertia, basing the special
theory of relativity on the proposition that
The laws by which the states of
physical systems undergo changes are not affected, whether these changes of
state be referred to the one or the other of two systems of [inertial]
coordinates in uniform translatory motion.
This is nearly identical to
Newton’s Corollary 5. It’s unfortunate that the word "inertial" was
omitted, because, as noted above, uniform translatory motion is not
sufficient to ensure that a system of coordinates is actually an inertial
coordinate system. However, Einstein made it clear that he was indeed talking
about inertial coordinate systems when he previously characterized them as
coordinate systems “in which the equations of Newtonian mechanics hold good”.
Admittedly this is a somewhat awkward assertion in the context of Einstein’s
paper, because one of the main conclusions of the paper is that the equations
of Newtonian mechanics do not precisely “hold good” with respect to
inertial coordinate systems. Recognizing this inconsistency, Sommerfeld added
a footnote in subsequent published editions of Einstein’s paper, qualifying
the statement about Newtonian mechanics holding good “to the first
approximation”, but this footnote does not really clarify the situation.
Fundamentally, the class of coordinate systems that Einstein was trying to
identify (the inertial coordinate systems) are those in terms of which
inertia is homogeneous and isotropic, so that free objects move at constant
speed in straight lines, and the force required to accelerate an object from
rest to a given speed is the same in all directions. As discussed above, these
conditions are just sufficient to determine a coordinate system in terms of
which the symmetrical equations of mechanics hold good, but without
pre-supposing the exact form of those equations.
Since light (i.e., an
electromagnetic wave) carries momentum, and the procedure for constructing an
inertial coordinate system described previously was based on the isotropy of
momentum, it is reasonable to expect that pulses of light could be used in
place of cannonballs, and we should arrive at essentially the same class of
coordinate systems. In his 1905 paper this is how Einstein described the
construction of inertial coordinate systems, implicitly asserting that the propagation
of light is isotropic with respect to the same class of coordinate systems in
terms of which mechanical inertia is isotropic. In this respect it might seem
as if he was treating light as a stream of inertial particles, and indeed his
paper on special relativity was written just after the paper in which he
introduced the concept of photons. However, we know that light is not exactly
like a stream of material particles, especially because we cannot conceive of
light being at rest with respect to any system of inertial coordinates. The
way in which light fits into the framework of inertial coordinate systems is
considered in the next section. We will find that although the principle of
relativity continues to apply, and the definition of inertial coordinate
systems remains unchanged, the relationship between relatively moving systems
of inertial coordinate systems must be different than what Galileo and Newton
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