How to download, install and setting SQLYog

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In this chapter we will see how to download, install and setting free software called SQLYog, which makes it possible to have a graphic interface practises to manage your base of MySQL data.

a. Download SQLYog

SQLYog is a freeware. You could download it at : (picture 26)

Picture 26
Click on “Download” in the SQLYog Community Edition (freeware). You should be sent to (picture 27) :

Picture 27
1 click on SQLYog Community Edition 5.2 (stable) in the Binaries. A window open, asking you what you want to do (Picture 28)

Picture 28
Choose “Record”. A new window will open and asking you WHERE you want to record this files (Picture 29)

Picture 29
Make one click on “My documents” on the left, next click on “Record”.

When download is finished you should see this window (Picture 30)

Pciture 30
Choose “Execute” for launching the installation. If you don’t have this window, go to “My Documents” and make 2 clicks on the file that you have just downloaded.
If you’re on Windows XP you should see that window (picture 31). Then click on “Execute”.

Picture 31

b. Installation of SQLYog

After you have click on “Execute”, you should see this window (Picture 32) :
Just click on “NEXT” button.

Picture 32
In this page about the licence, choose “I accept the term…” and click on “NEXT”.

Picture 33
The windows bellow, ask you where you want to record the program on your computer (picture 34) :

Picture 34
Choose a destination directory, and click on “Install”. (picture 35)

Picture 35
Then click on “NEXT”.

Click on “Finish” for finishing the installation in the following window (picture 36)

Picture 36

c. Set SQLYog

When you’re opening for the first time SQLYog, you must set to the program to witch database you want to connect you.
For that, make 1 click on “New” (Picture 37).

Picture 37

Picture 38
Enter a name for the connexion (Picture 38). It is just about a means of differentiating a connection for a base to another, it is neither the identifier of connection, nor the password…
Next, click on “OK”. SQLYog will open a connexion windows to the database (see picture 39)

Picture 39
You must enter those settings :

-         MySQL Host Address : It is about the address on the network of your server. You can, either to return an address IP or an address URL. If the server is on the same computer that SQLYog, you must put “localhost”.
-         Username : It’s the username, corresponding to “id” of the user. For example : “root”
-         Password : It’s the password associate to Username
-         Port : it’s the port number using by MySQL. Default :3306. (see chapter before)
-         Database : It’s the name of the database witch one you want to connect to. If you don’t put anything here, SQLYog will show the entire database you have on the server.

When you’ve finished entering the information, you could test them in clicking on “Test Connexion”.
When settings are correct, click on the “Save” button for saving…

d. Create your own database

Presentation of SQLYog

Warning, we are going to create your database here. We do not create « tables ». There should be in automatically created by the stable version of NWNX4 (actually in the alpha version there isn’t any table, it’s normal).
On the other hand we will see thereafter the instructions to create independent news table so you can integrate your personal parameters into it.
Click on the “Connect” button (picture 40)

Picture 40
SQLYog is opening (Picture 41)

Picture 41

Picture 42
Part A :   The data bases appear here. By default MySQL creates the bases information_schema and mysql.
To have detail on the columns of a table, made 1 click on the sign + of the table and under small “Column”. For example (picture 42)
Part B : It is here that we can write requests for manually acting on the database. The subject of this tutorial not being to learn language SQL, I offer to you to go on these sites for more information:

-         SQL facile (French) :
-         Manitou SQL (French) :
-         W3school (English) :

Part C : In this part you can choose what you want to be shown on part D. You have the choice between “Result” for showing query results, “Messages” for seeing mistake messages, “Table Data” for seeing the content of the table (this what you should use the most), “Object” For having details about the property of the columns... At least, “History” for seeing last event on the table.

Part D : The content of this part depend on the choice you’ve made on part C. Generally, to consult or modify a table of your database, you should select on part C “Table Data” and you could see the content of the table in part D. For example, this is what is inside “pwdata” table in an  nwn1 module (Picture 43) :

Picture 43

How to create your own database ?

Make 1 right click with the mouse on root@localhost (the name depends on the account using to connect to the database): (see picture 44)

Picture 44
Make 1 click on “Create Database
Give a name to your database. For example, “nwn2”. Next, click on “Create” (picture 45)
It’s the name you should use to set the MySQL.ini file of NWNX4.

Picture 45

Picture 46
You should obtain something like that....(picture 46)
Actually don’t have table is empty, it’s normal. In this version of NWNX4 the database aren’t created. But the stable version of NWNX4 will create the table automatically. How to create other table is an advanced subject, we will see in the « advanced topic ».
In chapter 4, we will show you the table created by NWNX4 and explain you what are their purpose…(when the version of nwnx could allow this).
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